Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our 100th Day!!!

We just celebrated our 100th Day of School!! Woo hoo!!! It is crazy to think that we had done 100 days of school... but we have! Everyday when we do our calendar and talk about what day it is we add a Popsicle stick to a jar. Everyday we count how many sticks we have. When we have 10, we bundle them and move them to another jar and count those by 10's. Then we have a 100 chart that we color everyday for that day's number and I told then when we hit 100 we would have a party!

We started the "party" by having cake after lunch...

Then I gave them each a bowl of sprinkles and they counted 100 sprinkles to put on their piece of cake.

Then we went down stairs and I had a present for each of them which was a 100 piece princess puzzle.

(ignore date it was Tuesday, but b/c there were presents on the table all order to our day was thrown out with the trash!)

I then had a few papers for them to do a fill in the blank 100 chart and a dot to dot and then 100 glasses

Of course it is not complete without books about our 100th day...

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