Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 19 E ~ Elephant {1/23 - 1/27/2012}

This week we studied E ~ Elephant! We had a fun time learning about the Elephant! They are so large, yet rather peaceful gentle animals! Some interesting facts are that the Elephants trunk has no bones in it, and has over 40,000 muscles - just in the trunk!! They also eat about 300lbs of leaves, twigs, fruit a day! That is a lot!!!

Our Library Books:

We also found some cool websites that had live video feeds of elephants!

Our Bible Memory Verse was Philippians 1:3 "I thank my God every time I remember you". This verse was chosen b/c you know.. elephants are supposed to have a great memory!

They also got to watch Dumbo and they did this elephant craft:

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