Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 3 S ~ Sun {9/19 - 9/23/2011}

This week we are studying the Letter S and Sun. We practiced our handwriting of the Letter S as well as learning how the "s" sound goes and what other words start with that sound.

As for learning about the Sun we learned about what the sun is made of, and also how the Earth rotates around the Sun. We made a Sun Dial that we put outside on the table so we could see how the Earth was moving and the shadow was changing. We also did an activity in our bathroom. I took a globe and flashlight in there, and we watched how daytime and nighttime were different on the different parts of the globe.

We also learned how BIG the sun really is. The sun is 109 times larger than the Earth in diameter. To help visualize this, we put one penny to represent the Earth and then we counted out 109 to represent the Sun.

Our Biblical Principal this week was that Jesus is like the Sun. We memorized John 8:12 Jesus said, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

Our Library books for this week:

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