This week our Bible Stories were: Jonah Runs from God, then we did a Old to New Testament Transition and talked about the difference, Zechariah and Elizabeth, and Mary's Surprise. (Would have been great if I looked ahead and we just would have done these stories at Christmas, but oh well... it's good to review!)
For Language we did Letters X and Y and we worked on Opposites and Sequencing.
For Math we did More, Less and Equal which was a lot of fun. They each rolled dice and then we would count the dots and whoever rolled more got a raisin. They really like that game. We also discussed the concepts of Before and After and also Measuring.
Our God's World theme this week was Cooking. We talked all about Kitchen Safety, and basically did a show and tell of all the different kitchen supplies and what each one does and what it is used for then then discussed what different techniques are for (ie beating, melting, peeling). Then on the last day we picked out a recipe from the Toddler Cookbook we got from the Library and we baked mini Banana Muffins. They were very proud and enjoyed the muffins very much!
Our Character Trait this Week was Humility. Our Bible Memory Verse was James 4:10 Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up.
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