Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 8 {11/1 - 11/5}

This week our Bible Stories were; The Ten Commandments, The Golden Calf, The Tabernacle and The Promised Land. I wish we spent more than just a day with the Ten Commandments, but now I know in the future, to just plan it better. I am still really happy with the curriculum I have, it's great. It is just some stories I think could use a little more time but hey, I know this is only preschool so I shouldn't expect too much! The girls are doing great at learning. They are both memorizing a verse every week, and just grasping concepts, it is great!

For Language we did; Letters E, F and G and we also did Rhyming. That was a cute exercise where I drew 6 pictures on a piece of paper (like hat, book, boat, etc) then I would say a word that rhymed with one of the words on the paper and they would have to figure it out. apparently the also recently learned rhyming on Sesame Street because Hayley said, "snore, door, zsa zsa gabor". I was a bit floored. Um, ok, Where did you hear that from? "Sesame Street". Gotta love SS!!

For Math we did; Numbers 7 and 8 and we also practiced counting. The would count as I bounced a ball. They can both count pretty well now. Hayley now gets the idea that the numbers are the same just repeated for 20, 30, and so on.

Our God's World Theme was Water. We talked about the 3 states of water: solid, liquid and gas (steam). They watched an ice cube melt and I showed them steam by boiling water. Then we also talked about the Ocean, Rivers, and Lakes. I totally forgot to get a picture of the library books! Slacker! Some of the books we had though were, "A House for Hermit Crab" by Eric Carle, "Harry by the Sea" by Gene Zion and "The Seashore Noisy Book" by Margaret Wise Brown. We also got the IMAX video "Under the Sea" from the Library too! Gotta love the Library!!!

Our Character Trait was Fairness and our Bible Memory Verse was Matthew 7:12 "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you." This verse could not have come a t a better time! The girls are in a phase (and I say phase hoping that it will pass soon!) of pushing and pinching each other... I have repeated this verse a lot to them!! : )

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