Thursday, December 23, 2010

Week 15 {12/20 - 12/24}

This week, we took a break from the curriculum and we just focused on Christmas. We read a lot of books from the library on Christmas; I even found a video from the makers of “The Beginners Bible” about the Nativity. They colored pictures of the Joseph, Mary, Joseph and the Wise Men. I also printed some Christmas themed activity packs for them to do. We will be on Christmas Break until January 3, 2011... See you in the New Year!!

Merry Christmas

Week 14 {12/13 - 12/17}

Our Bible Stories were Jehoshaphat, Elijah Is Taken To Heaven, The Special Room, and Naaman.

For Language we did Letters R and S and we reviewed Name, Address and Phone Number.

For Math we did Numbers 15 adn 16 and Classification/Sorting. Our Character Building Trait was Gratitude and our Bible Memory Verse was ! Thes 5:18 Give Thanks in All circumstances.

Our God's World theme was Winter and we talked about all the facets of Winter. One thing we did was we incorporated our 5 senses and experimented with snow. Talking about what it felt like, looked like, tasted like, smelled like...

No picture of books... : (

Week 13 {12/6 - 12/10}

Our Bible Stories this week were Solomon Builds a Temple, Ravens Feed Elijah, Elijah and the Widow, and Elijah and the Prophets of Baal.

For Language we did Patterns, and Letters P and Q.

For Math we did the Numbers 13 and 14, and Parts of a Whole.

Our Character Building Trait was goodness and our Bible Memory Verse was Galations 6:9 Do not become weary of doing good.

Our God's World theme was Weather. We talked all about all the different types of weather and what we do and wear in certain weather. We played charades and they tried to guess what "weather" I was in, and we played guessing game where I described a weather and they guessed what the weather was.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 12 {11/29 - 12/3}

Our Bible Stories this week were Abigail Makes Peace, David is a Kind King, God, Our Place of Safety and Solomon's Wisdom. When we talked about Solomon we talked about being wise, so we made "wise" owls to remember us to ask God to help us to be wise.

For Language this week we practiced listening; (I would pick a word before reading a book and everything I said that word, they had to raise their hand), Letter N, Letter O and What's Missing. For What's Missing I set one complete place setting with everything. We reviewed all the pieces, then I would have them close their eyes and I would take something away. This also quickly led to a lesson on cheating as Hayley would be opening her eyes and seeing which one I took away. For Math we did Numbers 11 and 12 and then reviewed Top, Middle and Bottom as well as Above, Below, Over and Under.

Our Character Trait this week was Gentleness and our Bible Memory Verse was Philippians 4:5; Let your gentleness be evident to all.

Our God's World Theme was The Five Senses. We talked all about what they were and what role they played. We did two activities; one I blindfolded them and then tried to have them walk through the house. At first Alyssa wanted no part of it. She screamed she couldn't see and sat down. After Hayley did it a second time, Alyssa finally gave it a try. The second one we did was we did a taste test to see if things tasted sweet, salty, or sour.

Week 11 {11/22 - 11/26}

Happy Thanskgiving!

This week in school our Bible Stories were; The Israelites Want a King, God Chooses David, David and Goliath, and Best Friends. One of the crafts we did was we made sheep to remind us that God choose David even though he was just a shepherd boy.

For Language arts we worked on vocabulary, Letter L and the Letter M. For Math we practiced measuring, Left and Right and reviewed Numbers. Our God's World Theme was Thanksgiving and we just discussed and read books (no comment!) about the First Thanksgiving and also Thankfulness.

Our Character Trait was Generosity and our Bible Memory Verse was 2 Corinthians 9:7; For God loves a cheerful giver. I even added motions to this one.

Week 10 {11/15 - 11/19}

I seriously don't know how I get 3 weeks behind. I feel like I am only a week behind, or that I have just posted and then when I come on here to update I realize I am WAY behind! Craziness! Ok... here's goes This week in school our Bible Stories were; Samson Fights a Lion, Samson and Delilah, Naomi and Ruth and God Talks to Samuel. One activity we did, was tried to trace their hands to make it look like a Lion... well, um yea... didn't quite turn out how I pictured it!

For Language we worked on complete sentences, Letter J and Letter K and for Math we reviewed our numbers, and then studied Many and Few; More, Less and Equal; and Before, After and In Between.

Their Character Trait was Forgiveness and the Bible Memory Verse was Colossians 3:13; Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Our God's World Theme was Community Helpers and we talked about Mail Carriers, Police Officers and Fire Fighters, Doctors and Dentists along with a few others. Of course... I have no picture of the books! I really thought I had a picture? It may be downloaded on the other computer already? I will have to check!